Dentures have been used for centuries to replace missing teeth. Luckily, today people do not have to settle for teeth carved from wood or animal’s teeth – dental advancements are certainly something to celebrate! There are three types of dentures that are available: complete dentures, partial dentures, and implant supported dentures. Complete dentures are used when all of a person’s teeth are missing or have been extracted, and partial dentures are used when there are some, or many, natural teeth remaining in the mouth. Because a person’s smile is something so intimately related to a person, you do not want just anyone creating a tooth replacement. At Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists we are the trusted and experienced professionals for the replacement of missing teeth.
Partial dentures are specifically made to fit the most detailed spaces of a person’s mouth. Whether you have a missing front tooth, a tooth missing from the side of the mouth, or many different teeth missing from different spots, a customized denture that is made with the most precision is what you deserve. At Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists, we understand that your smile is as unique as you are. That is why we take the most personalized approach to carefully design a partial denture that will not only function properly, but that will also blend in naturally with your smile. All of our dentures are made from the highest quality materials on site at our own dental laboratory.
If you have missing teeth, or are about to have teeth extracted, contact the experts at Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists today. We serve the residents of the Greater Atlanta area as well as North Georgia, Eastern Alabama, Southern and Eastern Tennessee, and the Western Carolinas. Our customized approach to partial dentures gives patients results that are attractive in appearance and comfortable to wear. We look forward to restoring your smile, so call us today.
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