Dentures are tooth replacements that are intended to help people live a normal life. Dentures are investments that require care and attention to keep them clean and long-lasting. Dirty dentures allow bacteria and fungus to grow on them, leading to all sorts of negative effects like bad breath, irritated gums, and staining. In order to prevent stains from affecting your dentures, it is important to maintain proper care of your replacement teeth.
First, and foremost, quit all tobacco usage. Tobacco is a product produced from the tobacco plant, and it is well known to cause damage, disease, and deadly consequences. It is also an extreme contributor to the staining of the teeth – whether they are natural or false. Tobacco has its own dark color, and this dark color leaves a staining residue behind on the teeth that can last forever. In order to prevent tobacco from staining your dentures, you need to quit smoking as soon as possible.
Drinking with a straw will also help to prevent stains from occurring on the dentures. Coffee, wine, tea, fruit juice, carbonated beverages, and other dark drinks can leave stains on the teeth and dentures. Drinking through a straw helps to keep the teeth out of the direct path of stain-causing beverages so that they are not discolored.
It is greatly suggested that denture wearers eat crunchy fruits and vegetables. Crunchy fruits such as apples and crunchy vegetables such as carrots, celery help to clean the teeth of stains while eating. These foods naturally cleanse the dentures just by eating them while wearing the dentures.
It is also incredibly important that you clean your dentures on a regular basis. You should brush your dentures at least twice a day, just as with your natural teeth. Using a special toothbrush and paste for dentures will help prevent scratches on your dentures. It is also suggested that you rinse your dentures off after eating and drinking something that is known to stain.
Keeping your dentures clean, fresh, and free of stains takes commitment. At Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists, we understand that your dentures were an investment and that you care about your smile. Preventing stains on your dentures will help keep their sheen and promote your confidence.
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