Deciding to get a permanent implant retained denture is a huge commitment as well as a large investment. Knowing how to keep your implants and denture flossed will ensure that they last as long as they’re intended to.
Using A Floss Threader
Patients with permanently adhered devices will need to use a floss threader to get under the denture. A floss threader is a piece of floss that’s threaded through a firm pick. It’s the same concept as a needle and thread.
What you’ll do is thread the floss under the denture. Once it’s through, you’ll wiggle the floss around so that you’re sweeping away all the debris. Be sure that you’re cleaning around the implants as well.
Water Flossers
Floss threaders can be hard to maneuver and take a while to use. A water pick is a great device to have on hand when you’re not a fan of flossing. This tool looks a bit like an electric toothbrush. It shoots out a strong burst of water, cleaning the targeted area much as a pressure washer does.
With a device that’s not removable, you’ll place the nozzle where the denture meets the gum and release the spray. Move the flosser around the arch, shooting bursts of water as you go along. Do this from both the cheek side and tongue side of the teeth. The goal here is to flush out all of the debris from under the denture.
Trust the Experts
If you’re looking for a denture that fits more securely then the average appliance, then an implant retained denture may be right for you. Contact Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists today to get started.
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