Adjusting to Your New Denture

Senior couple with perfect smiles.

If you’re just getting dentures for the first time, being prepared is the first step. The first bit of time after wearing a new denture is usually a “break-in” period where you adjust to them as you go throughout your day. Even if you’re wearing a set of overdentures (implant stabilized dentures) you may need… Continue reading

How to Get the Best Denture Fit

A mature woman after dental restoration treatment sitting in a dental chair and looking at her prefect new smile in a mirror.

A quality denture will fit like your favorite pair of shoes. They’re comfortable, don’t rub you the wrong way, and you almost forget that they’re there. But without the right denture fit, the entire opposite can be true. Here’s how to make sure your next set of dentures fits as best as possible. Take it… Continue reading

Four Ways to Ruin a Denture

Set of Dentures in Glass of Water

Your new denture can last for several years. The key is to care for it properly on a daily basis. But dentures aren’t invincible. They need to be handled carefully and cleaned in a certain manner to ensure they hold up to everything life has to throw your way. Here are three big denture mistakes… Continue reading

Daily Maintenance for Your Removable Denture

Set of Dentures in Glass of Water

Removable full and partial dentures need special attention each day to ensure they last as intended. Without daily maintenance, your appliance can develop buildup or contribute to infections inside of your mouth. Thankfully, the right attention can help protect your prosthesis for years. Clean Your Mouth Morning and Night Denture maintenance starts with your mouth.… Continue reading

Alternatives to Dental Implants

A dentist with a dental model explaining restorative treatment options to a patient sitting in a dental chair.

People with missing teeth only have a few options when it comes to restoring their smiles: Go Without Anything at All Some people prefer not to do anything. They get by with the teeth they still have. The problem with this scenario is that your remaining teeth are having to work harder than they’re supposed… Continue reading

Does it Hurt to Get Dental Implants?

Lower jaw single implant.

If you were to look at a picture of dental implant designs, you might be surprised to learn that they’re one of the least-invasive types of dental therapies available. The apparently rigid surface of the artificial “root” initially seems as if implants might require less than desirable process to install into the bone. Surprisingly, that’s… Continue reading

Snacking More Over the Holidays? Easy Tips to Keep your Implants Clean

A happy young woman with a perfect smile sitting in a dental chair showing a thumb up.

Any time we’re indulging in sweets, we probably worry about the cavity risk. Although dental implants don’t develop tooth decay, they’re still susceptible to things like plaque buildup, tartar, and stain from the foods and drinks we enjoy. Over the holidays, most of us tend to snack more frequently. As a result, we tend to… Continue reading

How Many Dental Implants Do I Need?

Lower jaw single implant.

One of the biggest misconceptions about dental implant treatment is that you need a one-to-one ratio of implants to the number of missing teeth there are. Surprisingly, that’s not true. Since dental implants are incredibly strong, we can actually use them in pairs to anchor multi-tooth restorations. For example, if you have 3-4 missing teeth… Continue reading

What are Implant Stabilized Overdentures?

Happy senior couple with perfect smiles enjoying a sunny day on a beach.

Conventional dentures are an efficient and affordable way to replace all of your teeth at once. And hybrid or “All-on-4” implants are a great combination of streamlined prosthetics when you don’t want a traditional denture. But what if you don’t qualify for All-on-4/hybrid implants and still need extra stability for your removable dentures? Then it’s… Continue reading

Peri-Implantitis: What is it? How to Prevent it?

A dental model and next to a dental machine and tools.

Peri-implantitis. To describe it, we first have to go back to “gingivitis” and “gum disease.” When gum inflammation and infection become aggressive, it leads to destruction of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. We call this condition “periodontal disease” or “periodontitis.” Left untreated, the chronic swelling and bone deterioration leads to tooth mobility… Continue reading

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What your patients are saying

Dr Berne and his team are the best; professional, friendly, knowledgeable and caring. They made an uneasy process for me go very smooth. I’m so happy with my beautiful smile that his skilled hands gave me, and would recommend him to anyone looking to restore their smile too!!!
Anna D.
The whole staff was so nice and treated me like family. Dr Anderson and his assistant were both so funny and I felt so comfortable and like I’d known them for years. Dr Anderson and his staff are the best ever! I would highly recommend them!
Marian K.
The office is very friendly and very professional. My dentist is Dr. Doug Yoon and on my very first visit he introduced me to the entire staff that would be assisting with my care, which made me feel confident that I had chosen the right practice. It has only gone uphill from there. I love that place!!
Barbara B.

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Woodstock GA 30188

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Friday 8:30am - 12:30pm

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4320 Roswell Road NE
Sandy Springs GA 30342

Opening Hours

Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm

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2805 Peachtree Industrial, Suite 113
Duluth GA 30097

Opening Hours

Wednesday Only 9:00am - 4:30pm

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